Re:  All efforts to combat global warming and achieve sustainability are in vain

Date: Friday 1 April 05

Dear Sir/Madam,

In response to the report in today's Guardian: "CO2 rise forces energy rethink"

All efforts to combat global warming and achieve sustainability on our finite and vulnerable planet are in vain, so long as we continue refusing to face up to the root cause of the problem: a growth-dependent economy and grossly materialistic lifestyles, rooted in our "more animal than human "nature, which are fundamentally unsustainable.

We cannot possibly carry on the way we are - nature will put a terrible stop to it if we don’t. 

We have a choice: between extinction (or worse) and creating an alternative, sustainable (far less materialistic, but more just and humane) socio-economic order, rooted in our more enlightened, human nature.

If you tend towards the second option, you might like to check out my website at