To:    Guardian CiF
Re:   The "racist mace" and how it is used for social, political or economic gain
Date: Friday 8 June  07


In response to Barbara Ellen on whether Big Brother "racist" claim was justified.

Link to article and thread at The Guardian.

The whole issue of what is or isn't "racist" provides a chilling demonstration of the potential ruthlessness of individual and group human (i.e. "prime-ape") psychology.

The comparison with McCarthyism is a valid one. Comparison might also be made with how "non-believers" and "heretics" were dealt with in medieval Europe (or even today in some Muslim counties), or "reactionaries" in Stalinist Russia. The same ruthless (Darwinian) power struggle for social survival, status and advantage lies behind them all.

With words, context and intended meaning are everything, and what should really matter. From what I gather, in this case, context and intended meaning were ignored in order to twist reality to caste a favourable light on those responsible for producing the program (Big Brother), thus promoting their and their company's (essentially economic) self-interests.

It was at the expense of an innocent 19-year old, but who worries about innocents when struggling for survival and advantage in the socio-economic jungle that is modern Britain? Unless, of course, there's an advantage (some moral high ground, perhaps) to be gained from it.
