To:    Sir Andrew Green of Migration Watch
Re:    The psychology and ideology of multi-racialism and multi-culturalism
Date:  Friday 10 March 06

Dear Mr Green,
In response to what you wrote in last Saturday's Daily Mail (not a paper I normally read, I hasten to add), "The Betrayal of Brick Lane", about what happened in the East End of London also applying to other parts of the country, I can confirm that it does.
I  grew up in what is now the London Borough of Brent and witnessed the immigrant population rise from a tiny, barely noticeable minority to an overwhelming majority. Looking back, I find it hard to believe that such a thing could be allowed to happen, leaving me feeling rather numb and speechless, the latter condition reinforced by the fear that if I did say something it would almost certainly, though unjustifiably, be construed as "racist" and result in my "excommunication" from "civilised society".
A few years back, I visited the primary school I attended in the 1950's, when there wasn't a single black or brown face to be seen, as far as I can remember. Now, as I watched the crowds of children in the playground, I found myself looking for the few white faces among them. 90 percent of the children, I estimate, were not white. I'd gone back to see my old school and take a walk down memory lane, but got a shock instead. I turned away, numb, confused (how could this happen?), sad, and then angry - not at the children in the playground, nor at their parents (I don't blame them for taking advantage of the opportunities offered to them), but at the politicians who allowed it to happen, and who now prevent me from expressing my anger publicly with the threat of condemnation as a "racist". I'm supposed to be delighted at what a wonderfully - racially and culturally - diverse place Britain has now become. I'm not, but I'm not allowed to say so. Just mentioning (or even noticing) that so many of the children in my old school were not of my own ethnicity puts me dangerously close to being a "racist".
You, I am sure, are more aware than most of what you may and may not say and of how carefully you must choose your words. Being a former diplomat has, no doubt, put you in good stead, and is why you haven't yet tripped and been "excommunicated". Most of us avoid it by keeping quiet. The distress that this causes, particularly in older members of the native population, when not totally ignored, is dismissed as the expression of a contemptible xenophobia or racism. It is a form of xenophobia, of course, but I see nothing contemptible in it; it's just the opposite side of a single coin on the other side of which is the "love of things familiar"; it is a perfectly natural way to feel; condemning it as a form of "racism" is completely insane, and can only lead to these feelings being suppressed, with all the negative consequences, suffering and dangers that go with it.
We urgently need to understand what is going on. Why are we (the native British population) having mass immigration, and the multi-racial/multi-cultural society that goes with it, forced upon us? As you point out, our country is already overpopulated, but even if it wasn't, do we really want to share it with other races and cultures and have all the problems and conflicts this is bound to cause? But even asking this question is enough to have me condemned for "racism".
We need to understand the PSYCHOLOGY of what is going on. The psychology of Fascism is a very interesting and important subject; so too is the psychology of Anti-Fascism (anti-racism and multi-culturalism).
There is a powerful IDEOLOGY at work among influential people, particularly in politics and the media (and especially at the BBC), which they feel they have the right - or rather, the DUTY - to impose on the rest of society. They identify with it, I suggest, as a member of the medieval Church or of an old Communist party did with their respective ideologies. They mean well, believing themselves in possession of the "true (progressive) faith" (whence their justification for imposing it on others), but also claiming for themselves the "moral high ground" and the advantages that go with it. Non-believers are not reasoned with, but simply damned and disposed of as "atheists", "reactionaries" or "racists".
The suffering and injustice caused in the past by those who imposed Church or Communist ideology on others are well documented, but the modern ideology of multi-racialism and multi-culturalism is yet to be recognised for what it is and faced up to - unsurprisingly, when every attempt to do so is met with the mace of "anti-racism" and when the definition of "racism" itself has been greatly expanded to cover any expression of ethnic identity among the native white population.
Interestingly, the cultivation of ethnic identity among the ethnic minorities (especially the black ones), far from being forbidden, as it is for whites, is actually encouraged. Effectively, there is one set of rules for ethnic minorities and another for the native ethnic majority. Can you imagine the reaction if someone attempted to found an "Association of Native (White) Police Officers"?!
I identify with the struggles against slavery, apartheid, racial segregation and all other forms of "white supremacy" and colonialism, but I'm STILL a European (a white man) and identify strongly with this, my own, ethnic group. It is not just my phenotype that I share with other Europeans, but at least 2500 years of recorded history, and millennia of pre-history before that! My ancestors (at least the vast majority of them) have lived on these islands or the neighbouring continent since the end of the last ice age. Native Europeans "be-long" here in a way that a non-European never can, any more than a European can "be-long" in Africa, Asia or America in the way that the natives of these continents do. I'm not suggesting that everyone (or even anyone) should have to return to their own continent; what I am suggesting, however, is that there are important differences, which should not just be taken into account (e.g. when it comes to immigration), but cultivated. Unlike North America, Europe is not predominantly a continent of immigrants (where immigrant, i.e. European, culture also dominates), but of more-or-less native, European peoples. By denying this (as the ideology of multi-racialism and multi-culturalism does) we are creating a powder keg.
Understandably, in view of recent European history, there are fears of where the white majority cultivating and asserting its ethnic identity might lead, but frustrating this natural tendency (which the Nazis ruthlessly exploited for their own evil ends) will have devastating consequences, especially when the present period of material prosperity comes to an end, as it surely will, as a ruthless mother nature (who is already "warming up" for the job) sets about achieving the sustainability that we are refusing to face up to ourselves.
Obviously, we have to accept that multi-racial/multi-cultural society is already a reality in many of our cities. The question is, how much further do we want it to go (how much more immigration do we allow) and what form do we want it to take?
At the moment, we cannot even discuss the matter honesty and openly without fear of being condemned for "racism". Thus, what we need is a forum, where we can do just that: speak openly and honesty without being intimidated by the ideologues of multi-racial/multi-culturalism and the guardians of political correctness. We would have to police it ourselves, however, for any "genuine racism", which such a forum is bound to attract.
I have just acquired a domain,, which might  be used as a portal. What do you think?

